Sunday, December 28, 2008

Latest Novel - New Partnership

Olympia, WA - As many of you know my resume includes not only author and speaker, but publisher and ghostwriter. With ghostwriting you are not usually at liberty to discuss the project(s) or the client. In this case I've become a partner with Randi Altschul on our first book Sorry, You Can't Enter Heaven.

Recently published by iUniverse, Sorry is a fast, fun read about personal empowerment and the choices we make in life. What if you arrived at Heaven but couldn’t get in because you’d had cosmetic surgery. You’re not…you. For vanity’s sake, you changed the original packaging and altered your destiny. CEO Lisa Michaels finds out death isn’t her only challenge.

Sorry is available for purchase online at, and

As the success for this first book grows, Randi and I are already teaming up for our next novel. Stay tuned.