Friday, February 23, 2007

The Year of 9's

2007 should be a lucky year for me, it's a 9 year.
I love 9's and this year falls into a bushel of them. I celebrate my 18th wedding anniversary in September. (And they said it would never last.) Then I turn 54, another 9! Should I play the lottery? Swing by the Indian casino? How do you take advantage of such atypical momentum?

So far, it seems no different. I'm deep into my day job working with authors at Gorham Printing. Short-run digital printing is becoming more and more popular. I presented at Write On the Beach Writers Conference in January, encouraging the students. Independent publishing can be quite successful if they're ready to put their shoulder to the market madness.

I'm shopping for an agent with Randi Altschul for our commercial women's fiction titled "Sorry, You Can't Enter Heaven." Wish us luck. Buck Henry's read it and loved it. It's great fodder for water cooler talk, and a film vehicle for seasoned actresses like Susan Sarandon or Sally Fields. I'm ready to go Hollywood.

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